Assist Travel / Transport

Assist Travel / Transport

This service comprises making travel plans using private or public transportation networks so that the participant may get to their place of employment, school, appointments, or community activities. For your convenience, we offer reliable transportation services. We help you move about more easily and safely.

We can help NDIS participants with their travel arrangements. If your handicap prevents you from using public transportation without significant difficulty, you may be able to get support under the NDIS. When you’re traveling alone, navigating might be difficult. We provide services that can facilitate your access to taxis, ridesharing, and other useful modes of transportation. The financing for our services comes from the NDIS mobility plan.

With the help of One Stop Care’s transportation service, you can go around in a safe, useful, and relaxing manner. Your support worker will accompany you wherever you decide to go, whether it’s for social events, shopping, or transportation to medical appointments.

Why Choose This Service?

Customised services

Professional staff

Skill improvement

Early Assistance

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